Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a food bank?

    A food bank is a non-profit organization that collects and distributes food to hunger-relief charities and people. Food banks act as food storage and distribution depots for smaller front line agencies; and also do give out food directly to people struggling with hunger.

  • How does a food bank operate?

    A picture is worth a thousand words;

  • What does Haba Na Haba stand for?

    Haba Na Haba comes from a swahili proverb (Haba Na Haba Hujaza Kibaba) which means that "Little by little the pot is filled".

  • Why do food banks like Haba Na Haba exist?

    This is due to the global hunger & food waste. Hunger is often not a food problem; it’s a logistics problem. Approximately 15-30% of food in emerging economies is wasted. Each year billions of kilogrammes of food go to waste, while 1 in 4 people are malnourished. Food banking systems capture surplus food and deliver it to the people who need it most, engaging all sectors of society (governments, business, and civil) in the process. Food banks acquire donated food, much of which would otherwise be wasted, from farms, manufacturers, distributors, retail stores, consumers, and money from different sources, making food available to those in need.

  • Where is Haba Na Haba food bank located?

    Haba Na Haba food bank is located along Busibante Road, Nabaweesi Close in Najjera, Kampala (UG). Click here to locate us.

  • Will I receive a receipt for my donation / contribution?

    All contributions are acknowledged and receipted by Haba Na Haba Food Bank. Unless if earlier agreed otherwise, all donations are well receipted via e-mail or in physical paper and a coppy is issued to the donor.

  • Is Haba Na Haba Food Bank a registered NGO?

    Haba Na Haba is a fully registered NGO No.12122 in Uganda and a well recognized member of the Regional Food Banking Network No.150051 under the mentorship of the Egypt Food Bank.

  • Why should I volunteer at the Haba Na Haba?

    Choosing where to volunteer for charity can be a very personal decision and is usually based on a cause or issue that evokes a passionate response. Volunteering at Haba Na Haba food bank is one way that you can help those communities that are in need of the most basic item in life: nourishment. For those of you who would like to donate your time to partake in that greater goal, but are unsure as to what it entails or how you can make a difference, prepare for the most rewarding experiences in life as you volunteer to work with us.

  • Where does the food come from?

    We acquire food from farms, manufacturers, distributors, retail stores, hotels, restaurants, markets, consumers, and other sources, making it available to those in need through an established network of community agencies.

  • Who benefits from Haba Na Haba?

    Our beneficiary agencies include those that support interventions of school feeding programs, AIDS, cancer and other non-profit programs e.g. elderly & refugee, street children, orphanage’s homes and rehabilitation programs that provide food to the hungry.

Do You Have Any Questions?

We enjoy solving your problems and concerns. We accomplish this through email support, screen-sharing sessions and occasional face-to-face meetings.